Bernie Farber


Acknowledged as one of Canada’s most accomplished NGO CEOs, Bernie M. Farber’s career spans more than a quarter-century focused on human rights, anti-racism, pluralism and inter-ethnic/faith/race relations. His efforts have been documented in numerous Canadian Human Rights publications, books, newspapers and magazines. His work has also been cited for its expertise in a number of academic publications. Mr. Farber has successfully run large NGO’s and Foundations such as Canadian Jewish Congress, the Paloma Foundation and he is recently retired as Executive Director of the Mosaic Institute.

Today, Mr. Farber is a human rights consultant, newspaper columnist and social justice advocate. He has received numerous awards for his civil rights work including the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee medal, Government of Canada 125 Commemorative medal and the Ontario Association of Chief’s of Police Award for Outstanding Service and Dedication to Policing in the province of Ontario amongst others.

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