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Long-Term Care Workers: join us on June 4 to connect with one another and share our stories. 

In these times of uncertainty, we can find hope and sources of strength by connecting with one another. Last week ICL and a group of Long-Term Care workers gathered for a moving - and fun! - online Coffee House, where we shared our stories, encouraged each other, and had a few laughs along the way.

We had to do it again. On Thursday, June 4 at 7.00 pm we'll be hosting another get-together with Long-Term Care Workers. Olivia will facilitate our conversations and help us explore our stories.

Are you a long-term care worker? Sign up on this page to register for our June 4 get-together; we'll be connecting online via Zoom.

Here's what people are saying:

"I know changes need to be made and I know I will play some kind of part of it.  To see some of the strength return tonight was amazing to witness. Thank you. Story-telling is important for this time right now. 
- Caroline 

"So much support! I enjoyed the time together and sharing. It was full of honesty and heart. Olivia is such a gracious host and we all ended inspired and with our cups full."  
- Kathy

Will you join us for the next one? 

Throughout our lives, we faced different challenges that required us to make a choice - with an outcome that helped shape our core values and gave us strength. These pivotal moments helped us pull through tough times, give us resiliency and defined who we are. Here is a story of Alana, a child care worker facing a tough challenge.

She told her story with the coaching of Olivia from the Institute of Change Leaders and stood up to win a raise for childcare workers across Ontario! Have a listen!

Together, let us find our source of hope.

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The Institute for Change Leaders is brought to you by the Faculty of Community Services at X University.

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