In Memory of Ho Sze Chow

The Insitute for Change Leaders is deeply saddened by the passing of Ho Sze/Mrs. Chow/Mama Chow/Auntie/Ama/Aiya at Mount Sinai Hospital on the evening of February 11, 2020, a day after her 92nd birthday. She was surrounded by people who loved her, including her daughter Olivia Chow, founder of the Institute, and son Andre Chow.

Born in the lunar Year of the Tiger in the Shunde District of Guangdong province in China, she lived true to her tiger spirit throughout her lifetime – a tiny, fearless woman who stood up to injustice wherever she found it. You can read Ho Sze Chow's obituary by clicking here.

Memorial donations to commemorate Ho Sze’s commitment to social justice may be made to the Ho Sze Chow Scholarship to empower immigrant women through training at the Institute for Change Leaders at Ryerson University.

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